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can you make it possible to possess and swallow Mal0

"or replace Mal0"

What is the way to swallow the giant ogre ??? I couldn't find it.

big question....will multiplayer be aded



no way in hell

Hey, any idea to where gnomes could be added?

they are in game rn


You should add Kobolds, so another shorter npc to interact wit

It could be a suggestion for the next boss, an enemy like a dragon girl who transforms into a giant dragon.

i love this



cowhuman vore ?

the anthro cow

i think i ran into a bug. when i dissmis party members when i'm far away from home and they enter a portal. well they go to where the portal spawned but dont teleport.

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I noticed that follower & enemy when you take over there body you can't access there item, cause when that are themselves they have potions for days. It would be awesome it you could use items & interactables when you are possessing someone as possession is be a dope mechanic so why not take it to the next level & be able to use your predators body as one's second chance at life. As you could say they are what they eat.

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Two more thing, if you would kindly add the ability to change stamina into mana so it can be a two way street & help the guide telling you how to use Andrice's un-birth grab.

I would be could if their was an option to tell your followers to not to crap on the spot as you lose valuable loot & if you could double or quadruple the characters max weight if possible. I won't lie I like the ability to not feed them like Queens but also grow them into Empress!


Option to choose MC would be nice, like making the followers to be choosable MCs.

also I don’t know if and how to make a backup if I meddle with the values

i found the custom file to edit the values. but now my problem lies with what i should set the values to. i dont know if the thing like are they percentage or if they are flat values. its not any specific values its all except the true and false values. 

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do you have to follow the instructions exactly to get to the custom.ini. because i dont have any app data when i try to match the search thing. i also tried usinsg the search bar in the files and didnt find the custom.ini file.

Can you make the lamia's tail longer?

This Game have Viruses? Avast Warn me about IDP: Generic

Why every time MC goes to give birth, Mal0 eats the baby?

How Swallow the Ogre?

Move towards its head (once it is dead). An option will appear to give him a potion. This will shrink it and then it can be swallowed.

You need to have a shrinking potion (the white potion) with you. ( have it in your belt, not in your inventory )

If you don't have one, the statue at the entrance gives some.

Whenever I start the game it's just all red. What do I do

Before clicking on New game, in the options, check:

That may help.

(The game does not work ( or works very badly ) with an intel(R) UHD Graphics)

I can’t seem to find the custom.ini. It could be the way I downloaded it. The file for the game is in the download tab when I look in the folder.

Here for information:

yeah the link didnt help. i went to users and clicked the profile user and there is no app data. so i dont know what the problem is.

I have a bug where i just keep walking forward, does someone know how to fix it. (Please excuse my poor English)

How did this happen? 

Make a save using the console ( [TAB], then enter the command: forcesave ), then reload. 

Maybe use F4 to reset the character. (this returns to the player's house)

it’s hard to see the stats because they are not centered making the numbers go off the tab making them either hard to read or unreadable.

If you have a screenshot that would be great.

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How do you tell the difference between teleporting yourself into a pred, or teleporting them into your stomach?

I'd also love to main a centaur and have more vore controls.

Speaking of, how do you vore something? I've been pressing Q but can only do so after they are dead?

The teleportation spell is random. In general, it teleports the target into the stomach, but it can also do anything. It is not possible to predict this. ( random can be modified in custom.ini )

Centaurs aren't finished yet, they don't know how to fight and haven't learned how to swallow prey.

The MC can't swallow alive prey other than with an arrow or the teleportation spell (he can also use enemies' weapons and their swallowing abilities). But he'll learn new skills later. ( maybe with quests )

Oh! Okay! Thank you for the clarification! Looking forward to updates ^u^

when andrice uses the spell to trap them not in the stomach shes not able to get them out because they are too big. if the animation shows you them putting them in then you should be able to get them out. and they wont disapear no mater how long you wait. i think there should be a spell that lets you teleport stuff out of you i the thing gets too big.

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This location doesn't contain stomach acid, so it takes a long time to kill prey (with a griffin, it takes a very long time).

And Andrice uses a spell that reduces the size of the prey, which is why she can put it inside her.

  •  When the prey dies, after a while, it will be transferred to the stomach.
  •  If Andrice is having sex, this will lubricate the passage, and she'll be able to push the prey out of her.
  •  The MC can also swallow Andrice, to digest her and her prey :)
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After the update, when a enemy digestion and absorbing player began to take place very slowly, when it used to happen quickly. I tried changing the settings, but it didn't help. Also, reformation stopped working when it always worked before (I changed the settings)

Do you have any instructions to increase the enemy's hunting desire?

Deleted 46 days ago
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can you optimize more the game or put more graphics settings like disable texture for less lag?

I will, one day, migrate to Unity 6 ( according to Unity, this will increase performance. ). Otherwise, I've tried several options, but it doesn't work with the current version I'm using.

And with each version, I try to optimize the textures a little.


how do you eat stuff alive without arrows 

You can use the teleportation spell [Y] or [Z]. You can also pick up enemies' weapons to gain access to their special attacks (Mace (Small Goblin), GreatSword (Goblin male), Scythe (Succubus), Axe (Warriors)).

And the MC will also learn new swallowing skills ( later )

tank u


It would be awesome if you figured out how to make the snake bulge conform to the MC’s body shape as well as slow that swallowing animation so we see the entire trip down the snake instead of instant stomach. Also question, are you planing on adding carnivorous plants in the future?

I'd like to, but I'm not sure if it's possible with Unity without it ending up as a lot of pixels ;) ( and I don't know how to do that )

And yes, the next enemy will be a human/carnivorous plant.

Anyone else encounter weird bug where the centaur party member just randomly dies, and when you revive her she just continuously dies? like how do I resolve this she cant even take a potion in time before she dies again interrupting the animation 

It might be because she ate too much, and can't handle what she ate. I've had the same problem.

huh that shouldn't do damage, and I was only around a single enemy that the other gulped.

Complicated to find out why, but I know that when a friend is reanimated, he comes back with few health points, and that's a problem, so I've changed it for the next release.

( She hasn't swallowed a poison potion or a mushroom? )

Maybe the mushroom, but I was standing there rezing her so much and the effect just wouldnt go away spent at least a solid few minutes before giving up but yea just enough health to be able to finish healing potion animation so they can't get soft locked 


Think you'll ever add in some stuff like the pred farting/shitting players skull out or digestion animations/sounnds such as screams?


Make it so Animals (cows, sheep, pigs, goats) can swallow you. make it an option in the settings or something, i would be similair to how doe can swallow player. and idk if its a bug but dow wont swallow player even if agro

I have two feelings after the game.

On the one hand, the game is really cool, there are so many possibilities. But it's sad that all this is in such a raw form. 

Especially centaurs are enemies (which are not aggressive towards the player). 

And it's a pity that there is no animation for Female Centaurs x human male. 

It is also sad that there is little character devouring animation in the game. 

There is unbirth but no animation.

The toy is raw and it shows.

can you possibly port this to mobile someday?

Unity does not support HDRP for mobile. So I can't make a release for mobile.

Unity HDRP



you should make a setting so only females spawn


totally agree


my companions keep eating my offspring and i lost the inevntory girl and she wont respawn. what do i do?

It happened to me too. Only one or two times the horse girl revive her but overall the inventory girl completely dissapeared from my game, not even comands on the console help me so I will recommend restart your game... At least you can command with the console to place objects and other allie enemies to speed up your previous progress 

But yeah not real solution to that T_T

I've noticed this, and found out why, at times, Eloimaya disappears. 

But, if you have a save game with the problem, that would be great, to look for the problem.

(Savegame location)

Geez, I already delete those games. I guess you can replicate it by: first not having the horse girl in your team, then let an enemy eat Eloimaya and lastly let Eloimaya gets digested, return to village home by pressing F4 (I think it was that button, just use the fast travel command) and there it is, she is gone. 

I think it happens with Lalita too but Andrice I havent teste it yet because there are few enemies who can eat her so she is safe most of the time (the invisible Assasin female can swallow her, so watch out on the roads)

I'm playing solo with the MC because of the fear of lossing them but is kinda more challenging and fun: I have discovered that Lamias and Harpys are really fast so I be friend one and travel the world on their bellies, it is quite an experience

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